Ticks: Diseases and Prevention of This Appalling Arachnid
Warmer weather breaks across yonder skies and the outdoorsiest of Americans yearn for the woods...
12 Worst States for Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is a debilitating, sometimes fatal infection passed to humans by infected blacklegged ticks.
Babe Winkelman on Lyme Disease – Chicago’s WGN9 News
Young ticks wake up around early March and are looking for their second blood meal!...
Asian Ticks (Mysteriously) Turned Up On A New Jersey Sheep
How did a tick that’s native to East Asia make it to rural New Jersey?
Lone Star Ticks Won’t Give You Lyme, But Can Still Make You Sick
Contrary to what many people believe, the lone star tick does not spread Lyme disease,...
You Won’t Like This News About Bedbugs, Ticks and the ‘Bomb Cyclone’
Most people would assume that the adult deer tick populations take a big hit during...
Babe Unveils His New Effort to Raise Tick-Borne Illness Awareness
Outdoor industry guru, Babe Winkelman, is taking the education challenge head-on in an effort to...
Lyme Disease Able to Survive 28-Day Antibiotic
In most cases of Lyme disease, only a short treatment of ordinary antibiotics is enough...
A Strange Itch, Trouble Breathing, Then Anaphylactic Shock
A near-death experience surprised a seemingly healthy 54-year old woman while she slept.
News Segment on KVLY – Dangers of Lyme Disease
Hunters and fishermen know about ticks and the importance of removing any latched tick as...
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